All our Velcro is fire retardant to far25.853 standards and is available in self-adhesive or sew on form. There are many different colours and widths available with our biggest sellers being Black, white and beige and 1” and 2” the most popular size. Manufacturers certificate is always available with any Velcro product we sell.
3m Dual lock
A similar yet perhaps more heavy duty version of Velcro, the most popular dual lock is the SJ3551 which has 400 interlocking heads per square inch. The 3551 will fasten to itself providing a very strong bond, it will also interlock with he SJ3552 which has 160 heads per square inch, thus providing a more reusable yet still strong bond. If you don’t want to buy full rolls the SJ354 is 5 metres of the 3551 and 5 metres of 3552 in a box.